Saturday, May 19, 2012

Task Manager or Registry Editor Disabled?

Enabling Task Manager *You must have administrative access in your PC to do this.
Method 1
Click Start, Run and type this command exactly as given below: (better – Copy and paste)

REG add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Method 2

  • Click Start, Run and type Regedit.exe
  • Navigate to the following branch:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System
  • In the right-pane, delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
  • Close Regedit.exe

Method 3: Using Group Policy Editor – for Windows XP Professional

  • Click Start, Run, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
  • Navigate to this branch:
User Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options / Remove Task Manager
  • Double-click the Remove Task Manager option.
  • Set the policy to Not Configured.
Enabling Registry Editor *Administrative access to PC required
From a command prompt click START | RUN and in the run box type CMD and press Enter.
Copy the following codes
REG DELETE HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableRegistryTools
If the above code fails then try
REG DELETE HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableRegistryTools

if you don’t know how to copy in DOS then just copy those above codes in RUN command and go….

Funny VB Script

Copy the following code in notepad and save it as “fun.vbs” with inverted comma. And have fun. Actually this code opens notepad and begin to type automatically. Even you close the notepad it’ll keep typing wherever it finds to type.
Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) “notepad”
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “Hi, “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “My “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “name “
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “is “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “abcd “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “efgh. “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “If “
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “you “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “don’t “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “know “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “me “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “then “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “you “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “know “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “nobody “
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys “Common, “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “man “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “you “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “must “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “know me. “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “Hahahaha! “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “I “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “am “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “so “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “much “
wscript.sleep 4000
wshshell.sendkeys “fun. “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “Well, “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “my “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “heart “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “is “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “melting, “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “now “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “don’t “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “cry! “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “okay! “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “Okay! “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “I’ll “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “stop “
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys “this. “
Note: To Stop this just open task manager and kill the process called “wscript.exe”